• The fashion industry has turned against Sydney designer Shardz Hourani after several models came forward to accuse him of inappropriate and aggressive behaviour.

    Models Tia Wright and Dani Dent posed for Hourani in a photoshoot for his swimwear label Sanija Fashion, which has never seen the light of day.

    Ms Wright was particularly taken aback by Hourani, after he asked her what her cup size was.


    "Without even getting a chance to tell him, he put his hands into my top and felt my chest," she said.

    "There's no reason he should be touching you in the first place, but he thinks he owns you."

    Ms Dent also experienced similar incidents when working on photo shoots with Hourani's swimwear label.


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    Fashion industry turns on 'inappropriate' designer Shardz Hourani

    She claims Hourani was kissing her shoulder and neck, as she was pushing him away.

    "He got very angry with me and very aggressive, because I told him to back off," Dent said.

    A photographer who worked with Hourani snapped photographs of the so-called designer manhandling young models (Source: A Current Affair)

    "I ended up leaving that shoot that day."

    Ms Dent and Ms Wright claim they were never paid for their modelling time.

    "I want him to stop," Ms Dent said.

    The fashion industry have turned against disgraced so-called swimwear designer Shardz Hourani, after models have spoken out about his behaviour (Source: A Current Affair)

    "I want him to wake up to himself and realise that this is inappropriate and have some respect for these girls," she said.

    "It's sick what he does and it ruins the industry," Ms Wright said.

    Fashion designer Alex Perry has also spoken out about Hourani’s antics, labelling them "appalling and incredibly bad behaviour".

    Having worked with many young models himself, he believes there should never be any reason for anybody to manhandle models.

    "There is no situation where you would ever go and touch a girl like that, grab her inappropriately anywhere," Perry said.

    Evidence of Hourani's inappropriate behaviour was snapped by Sydney photographer David Spinks.

    Spinks was appalled by the behaviour he was witnessing and decided to turn the camera on Hourani, in case any of the women he worked with needed proof of his wandering hands.

    "He didn't realise that I turned the camera on and I thought, if these girls need these things, if they've got a problem with it, you know, they need evidence," he said.

    Mr Hourani refused to speak with A Current Affair when approached.

    Police are now investigating complaints made by the models.


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  • Warning: the blog post you are about to read contains some serious, soul-searching reflection. This isn't for the unenlightened person.


    I'm totally kidding. Today, I'm writing about fashion trends that make me roll my eyes and shake my head. Maybe I'm old. Maybe this is ranty and curmudgeony. Maybe my sense of what's fashionable stopped working in about 2002.


    But here are seven things that people wear that I just don't understand ... and if I were the fashion police, here are some people that would be totally getting a ticket.


    1. Yoga Pants Mom


    Before an angry mob of moms descends on me with pitchforks I'm gonna call uncle and clarify that I'm not suggesting anyone give up their comfy, stretchy garments of goodness. Heaven forbid, right? But yoga pants are the new sweats. Or, we call all sweats yoga pants now. Maybe I'm a snob. Maybe I'm a purist. Maybe the fact that the non-yoga doing masses have declared yoga wear to be their uniform bugs me. What, to admit to wearing sweats in public sounds sloppy but calling them yoga pants is fashion forward? Color me puzzled.


    2. Rockin' The Chevron People


    Everyone is rockin' their chevrons -- headbands, throw pillows, diaper covers. Chevrons are taking over the planet, people. Although the market is flooded with all things chevron, I don't hate the actual chevron pattern, in smallish doses. But, can we please go back to calling it zigzag? Me, I'm hoping polka dots make a big comeback soon but some "trendsetter" will probably rename them "spherical saturation" or something dumb like that.


    3. Public Pajamas Chick


    You can't shake a stick in Walmart without hitting a female between the ages of 15 and 36 wearing cutsey-poo jammie bottoms adorned with princess crowns or little scottie dogs with hair bows. And when I say shake a stick, I mean there are lots of pajama-wearing people, not that I actually walk around the store wielding a stick (but there's a thought).


    I'm sure there are some legit reasons to run errands in your sleepwear, people, like life-threatening illness and needing to make a pharmacy run. But being too lazy to put on real pants or thinking you're making a fashion statement? Just no. And double no if you accessorize your jammies by tucking them in to your Uggs. That's just ... well, ugly.


    4. Exposed Bra Strap Girl


    There's really not a lot I can say about this, other than that strapless bras need to make a comeback. Its old school but I have two rules for undergarments: I wear them and they don't show. Tank tops are cute and comfy but not everyone should be getting a gander at your over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder, even if you're "rockin' the chevron" in the brassiere department.

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    5. Pants With Ruffles


    These are cute on the three and under crowd. Maybe. One of my friends calls these "wiggly pants" and insists they look adorable on her 11-year-old. Pssst ... they don't.


    6. Knit Hat Dude


    I have no gripe with a knit hat as a winter accessory. Because ... ya know ... it keeps your head warm when it's cold outside and stuff. But what is up with people wearing a knit beanie in the middle of the summer? Doesn't that make your head sweaty? Is that a good thing? Why do people wear them in the gym? To sweat more? So. Many. Questions.


    7. Big-Ass Hair Bows


    I love to see a little girl with a cute hair accessory. Except when it looks like a spaceship landed on the top of her little head.


    Bows that should have their own zip code? We should rethink this one people or our next generation of young women is gonna have some serious neck problems.


    I could go on about jeggings, Matilda Jane, over-40 women who over-accessorize with Hello Kitty and Aztec-themed prints ... but I think I'll just stop here. Maybe clothes don't make a man (or woman) but some of these sure give me something to giggle at when I'm at Walmart.


    Thanks for reading. This post originally appeared on Jill's blog, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals. Keep up with Jill on Facebook and Twitter.

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  • 14-year-old Bradford Billingsley will be a freshman at Vestavia High School this fall.  But before he starts 9th grade he has a busy summer ahead of him the includes meeting with a national magazine and being part of a fashion show.

    Last year Billingsly won the competition on the tv show "Project Runway Threads" last month his designs were featured at Birmingham Fashion Week and Monday he is going to New York City to meet with Seventeen Magazine.

    Billingsley said he started sketching when he was just four years old.  His mom Dana Billingsley remembers it all starting after a trip to Hooters when he was a child.  The next day he was drawing.  "I look over his shoulder and we have itty bitty orange shorts with an itty bitty shirt with cleavage and I tell his sister 'oh he pays way too much attention to details,'" said Dana.

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    Local teenager gaining recognition in fashion design world

    Billingsley kept drawing as he got older, things like celebrities outfits and even wedding dresses.  His mom said, "for his 8-year-old birthday I asked him what he wanted on his cake and he said a wedding dress, well you get what you want for your birthday and the cake comes back he he said, 'I could have drawn that a lot better than that.'"

    Now at 14 Billingsley has created a collection for Birmingham Fashion Week and is busy on his next project.  "I'm actually working on a few different things for a fashion show I'm doing in Carthage, Mississippi," said Billingsley

    He does it all while also spending his days how most 14-year-olds do, at school.  "I definitely have a lot of late nights where I'm working on different designs. I get my homework done during the day or at night and then really late night I start working on my designs."

    He said those late nights are worth it so that one day he can have his own brand.  "I'd love to be shown at New York Fashion Week, I'd love that, that's one of my biggest goals."

    After his trip to New York City to meet with Seventeen Magazine Billingsley will go to Mississippi for a fashion show and then to L.A. for a fashion camp.

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  • Samuel L Jackson

    You’ve seen him in Shaft’s leather coat and Jules’ skinny suits, but this weekend Samuel L Jackson will be all dressed up to play himself – as a model, on the catwalk. Along with Luke Wilson and, tantalisingly, Alice Cooper, the peacocking is for a very good cause: One for the Boys, the charity Jackson chairs, which aims to encourage men to talk about cancer. On the eve of the show we had seven minutes on the phone to talk about personal style and straw fedoras.


    Fashion is the way we get people to pay attention to us – and I want to use this event to get men to pay attention to their bodies and themselves. Women have tests and scans but guys don’t necessarily talk to doctors about aches and pains – they only don’t go to doctor if they get hurt. We want guys to be as aware of their bodies as women are.


    It’s like guys are ashamed to be ill. Once I started working with this charity it was amazing how many people told me they had had a cancer related illnesses and hadn’t said anything.


    My choice of clothes depends on where I’m going. If it’s a premiere I try to choose something appropriate to the theme of film. If it’s a serious film, I’ll wear a suit. If not, I’ll present myself as Samuel L Jackson who likes to have fun.


    I had a good understanding of the clothes coming out next season at an early age. My mum worked for people who had a clothing store, and would come home with samples of clothes that would come out next year. I paid attention to fashion magazines, too, and by the time I was at college I was aware of all the major brands, although I couldn’t afford them.


    When I worked in the theatre it didn’t necessarily matter if I didn’t specifically look sharp. I wore jeans with oversized tuxedo shirts over T-shirts. I created my own style.



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    The long leather coat I wore in Shaft is one of those iconic things people always ask me about. Occasionally I’ll wear it – I actually keep a lot of the clothes from things I do, from movies to photoshoots. I have a huge wardrobe over a couple of floors.


    The first things I bought when I became successful were an Armani double-breasted blazer and a Hugo Boss trench coat. I developed a great relationship with Mr Armani, who knows my taste so well now that I can suggest ideas to them.


    I own in the neighbourhood of two to 300 hats. I’ve had a collection for going on 20 years. [My favourites] are probably the bucket hats, because I play a lot of golf. They have become my signature – how people know it’s me on golf course. I’m also getting into straw fedoras.


    As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned there are occasions when my comfort shouldn’t trump the event. Sometimes, I need to get over that and wearsomething that makes me feel as if I fit in as opposed to standing out.

    A group selfie at last year's inaugural One For The Boys Fashion Ball, featuring Samuel L Jackson, David Walliams, Simon Pegg and Jeremy Piven.

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  • I live. I die. I live again.

    Shut Up and Take My Money has passed into the Great Blogging Beyond™. From the ashes arrives a new weekly feature about fashion for fangirls. Nearly everything that was catching my fancy for SUATMM was wearable anyway. This way we cut out the middle man.

    Do you like fashion? Do you like geek culture? Do like to show off your love of both by plastering your body with branded clothing and stealth cosplay? Then this is the weekly column for you! Ever Thursday, Fangirl Fashion will feature some of the best options from across fandom to display your affection.

    This week we’ve got Star Wars, Spider-Gwen, the Cheshire Cat, and the Last Unicorn! Count the days until payday and make a plan of attack, because you’re going to want it all.

    #1. Put Han Solo between your legs.
    Not like THAT. On some fashion forward leggings. Stock up now before the frigid Hoth winters return.


    Pick yours up at Wizards of the West.


    #2. Everything’s better with Spider-Gwen.
    You want a Spider-Gwen hoodie? You want a Spider-Gwen hoodie but it’s frickin’ JUNE and hot outside? You’re covered either way!


    Check out the whole collection over at We Love Fine.


    #3. Cheshire Cat will lead you to a party.
    But first, you have to wear him as shoes. Don’t ask questions. Just play along.


    Order yours today from Shoe Fury.


    #4. We’re brining unicorns back into style.
    Or at least “The Last Unicorn.” Show off your 80s pop culture knowledge and answer Millennial questions about “What’s on your dress?”


    Buy yours at Gold Bubble Clothing.

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